Responding to the CO2 Coalition's "Facts #29, #30 and #31" on US and Global Droughts

 CO2 Coalition's "Fact #29," "Fact #30" and "Fact #31" are essentially the same strawman attacks having to do with claims about droughts that nobody is actually saying. They basically observe here that there has been no change in droughts in the US, and droughts are declining globally. Here are the graphs they use to support this point.

And yet who said otherwise? It's well-documented that warmer air holds more water, with water vapor increasing by ~7% for every 1 C warming. So on average, we should expect to see decreases in droughts as a global average. CO2 Coalition is attacking as strawman here.

Climate scientists also observe that in more arid areas with less water availability, warming increases vapor pressure deficit (VPD) which should drive local and regional increases in the frequency and intensity of droughts (I cover more about this here). This is observed in the American Southwest and in other areas around the world. In wetter areas with more water availability, warming should correlate with increased rainfall and risk of flooding.


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