On the Center and Fringes of Climate Science
It's hard sometimes to find ways to describe the range of views expressed by those participating in public discourse on climate change without sounding pejorative. Public discourse is frequently corrupted by various forms of name calling; those who disagree with climate science are called "deniers" and those who agree with it are called "alarmists." Perhaps even more damaging to public discourse is the heavy reliance on simple bulverism : "you believe AGW is a problem because you're a socialist or communist looking to control people's lives and raise people's taxes," or, "You reject the evidence for AGW because you're a fascist shill serving fossil fuel interests." To avoid these pejoratives in this blog, I've used "proponent" to refer to those who accept the basic positions in climate science and "contrarian" to refer to those who reject those views. But if you read the scientific literature, the actu