Responding to the CO2 Coalition's "Facts #8 and #9" on US and Plant Growth with More CO2
CO2 Coalition 's " Fact #8 " and " Fact #9 " want us to believe that more CO2 means more plant growth (Fact 8) and allow crops to feed more people globally (Fact 9). The claims here are not really new compared to other claims in this list of "facts," and we've already seen why these claims are misleading at best. We've seen in two posts ( here and here ) that increasing CO2 doesn't just cause greening through CO2 fertilization but also warming through the greenhouse effect. The latter increases heat stress for plants and limit their ability to make use of additional CO2 for photosynthesis. We've also seen here that CO2 Coalition just assumes that increases in corn yields are due to increased CO2 when the sources they cite actually attribute increases in crop yields to better hybrid corn and better technology. The logic of these facts is very similar. In "fact 9," we're shown a graph of grain production with CO2 and tempe...