Responding to the CO2 Coalition's "Fact #12" on Sea Level Rise
CO2 Coalition 's " Fact #12 " asserts that global sea levels rose before CO2 levels started to increase. They say, "The evidence shows that the global warming causing the rise in sea levels and the retreat of the glaciers began long before any significant man-made CO2 increases could have influenced either. ... That glacial 'tipping point' occurred around 1800, with full-on retreat by 1850. Thus began more than 150 years of worldwide glacial retreat and sea-level rise that continues at about the same rate today as 150 years ago." They cite Jevrejeva et al 2014[1] in support of this, and they produced their own version of a graph supposedly taken from that paper, complete with a picture of a rock hammer. Why not? So of course I tracked own Jevrejeva et al 2014 to see if their claims are backed up by the paper they chose to use to support them. Here's the graph from the paper below. As you can see, the paper goes back to 1700, and the 1-sigma confidenc...